Buy John's Paintings
John Slivjak (Philadelpha, PA)
John Slivjak is an artist who lives and works in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania His work includes landscape, figure, portrait, and still life paintings.
Slivjak is a member of the Mid Atlantic Plein Air Association and the Outdoor Painter’s Society and he participates regularly in plein air events across the country. John has been invited to many competitions as both artist and juror, and his art has been featured in publications including PleinAir Magazine.
John Slivjak is an artist who lives and works in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania His work includes landscape, figure, portrait, and still life paintings.
Slivjak is a member of the Mid Atlantic Plein Air Association and the Outdoor Painter’s Society and he participates regularly in plein air events across the country. John has been invited to many competitions as both artist and juror, and his art has been featured in publications including PleinAir Magazine.