Eliner Tryon-Elgin
bel air, md
August 12 - In the northern reaches of Harford County, Ellie shows us how she records a preliminary study of what she is going to paint.
July 31 - At Rock Run Grist Mill inside Susquehanna State Park, Ellie focused on a segment of the scene for her painting. Note: Since our artists paint unsupervised over a period of 2-1/2 months, we ask them to make a time and gps stamp of their painting locations. You'll notice on Ellie's that the satellite wasn't sure where she was, showing "Cecil County" in the first image, and the correct address in the second. Most of the time, we recognize the locations, but, occasionally, our intrepid painters find sites that are new, even to us.
July 1 - Ellie painted at Mariner Point Park on the Gunpowder River in Joppatowne.
PAINTERS: Consider joining us on September 16 for the annual Quick Draw Competition.
Click HERE for details.
Click HERE for details.