Community Membership Levels
- $20 Student / Teacher / Senior (age 65+)
- $25 Individual
- $40 Family (Two adults and their children, ages 18 years and under)
- $100 Friend
- $250 Sculptor
- $500 Patron
- $1,000 Artiste
- $2,500 Prima Ballerina
- $5,000 Maestro
- $10,000 Lifetime
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Community Membership Benefits
All Community Members receive the following:
Friend Members receive all of the above, plus:
Sculptor Members receive all of the above, plus:
Patron Members receive all of the above, plus:
Artiste Members receive all of the above, plus:
Prima Ballerina Members receive all of the above, plus:
Maestro Members receive all of the above, plus:
Lifetime Members receive all of the above, plus:
- Quarterly Center for the Arts e-Newsletter
- E-mail updates on progress to build the Center for the Arts
- Invitations to special member events
- Advance ticket notice of Center For The Arts' productions and special events
- Discounts/privileges at area businesses (click here for details)
Friend Members receive all of the above, plus:
- Recognition in Center for the Arts e-Newsletter (optional)
Sculptor Members receive all of the above, plus:
- Recognition on Center for the Arts Website
Patron Members receive all of the above, plus:
- Gift membership for a relative or friend at the Individual level
Artiste Members receive all of the above, plus:
- Invitation to pre-event gathering to meet the artist
Prima Ballerina Members receive all of the above, plus:
- Invitation to Board of Trustees VIP Reception
Maestro Members receive all of the above, plus:
- Dinner with CEO & Board President
Lifetime Members receive all of the above, plus:
- Lifetime Membership (no annual renewal)
- Permanent Recognition in the new facility