Linda Greco Rich and Bob Rich
Linda Greco Rich, Exit Preferred Realty and Bob Rich, Saxon's Diamond Centers
DONATE Make a donation in honor of Linda and Bob Rich for their hard work and dedication to the Center for the Arts for the 2015 Dancing for the Arts Gala.
Photos Courtesy of Robin Sommer from Images of Sommer
Reason for raising funds for Center of the Arts:
Bob: "The arts are important! This center will provide many varieties of art forms. The Center for the Arts will raise the profile of Harford County and make it a destination." Linda: "I truly believe that Harford County will grow in many ways with the addition of Center for the Arts. Our county will have a wonderful place for people of all ages to spend quality time and learn about various forms of art. The Center for the Arts will create jobs and revenue for our county, as well. Fundraising goal: $15,000
Total raised to date: $28,109.91 Betty Ward $90.91 Bob Rich $2,500 Kirsten Jennifer Hiera $40 Stephen Leacock $100 Hope you enjoyed! Rene Pasquinelli $50 Preview Night Tkts BGE Sponsorship $1,500 Pam Klahr $25 Best of luck Linda and Bob... wish I could be there. Cash Donations $355 Marian Flagler $10 Thomas Compston $100 Diane Sengstacke $50 Main Street Tower: $150 Bob Rich $100 Four Matinee Tickets Elizabeth Rich $2,500 Robin Konecke $25 Joanne Simmons $25 H Kelly Haggerty $25 Carolyn Hinder $25 Raffle Sales $125 Janney, Montgomery, & Scott LLC Sponsorship $750 Brightview Avondell $400 16 Matinee Tkts Kathy Gillespie $50 Preview Tkts Janice Haddy $25 Matinee Tkt Cash Donations $110 Eric & Julia Mepham $75 Sheila M. Herring $40 John Horner $2500 Donation Best Wishes! Sue Bents $125 Five Preview Night Tkts Diane Sengstacke $50 Two Preview Night Tkts Oak Contracting Sponsorship $1,500 J. Hyman & Co. LLC $175 Good luck Bob! Edith Goldsmith $50 Two Matinee Tkts Go Linda and Bob Sally Clark Edler $25 Walt Pratt $25 Raffle Tickets: $170 Chesapeake Bay Area Charities of MD Inc $370 Gala Tkts Christopher Scalchunes $370 Gala Tkts Sandra Rodenas $370 Gala Tkts Richard Herbig $185 Gala Tkt Dave and Debora Grove $370 Two Gala Tickets Find a House in MD Sponsorship $1,500 EXIT Preferred Realty, LLC Sponsorship, $1,500 Chris Moore $150 Marie Jenkins $25 Kathleen Welch $155 Mark Welsh $100 Augustus Fountain $200 Carolyn Evans $50 Marge Pearce $50 Augustus Fountain $100 It's Pay Day $100 Carolyn Evans $25 Kathleen Welch $25 Cash Donations: $367 Dr. Mary Teddy Wray, $1,110, 6 Gala Tickets Break a leg Bob and Linda. Kim Bongiorno, $50, 2 Preview Night Tickets Craig Strobel $300, 12 Preview Night Tickets Doris Phipps $25 Matinee Ticket Austin Steg $50 Two Preview Night Tickets Augustus Fountain $370 Two Gala Tickets The Flanders Group $150 We'll be there to cheer you on! Dave and Diane Brightview Avondell and Perry Hall Sponsorship $1,500 7 Eleven Program Ad $500 Dorothy Jane Brooks: 8 Matinee Tickets $200 Anonymous $1 Marshall Asnen $100 Cash Donation $65 Craig and Sue Ann Strobel $120 Amergem Imports, Inc $200 John Hunter Group $100 Michael and Susan Malazita $100 Lynn Grimm $50 Carolyn Evans $25 Tollgate Liquors $100 Magerks Fundraising Event Cash Donations $390 Patrice Ricciardi $366 Magerks Pub $450 Chick-fil-A Sponsorship $1500 Katherine's Keepers Inc Ad $300 Chris Scales $100.00 Arts Advocate $10 |